Kural Bot

How to Use?

You can watch this video to learn how to use Kuralbot or read below.

To search for answers in all Kurals:

Type your question

How to be happy?

( To try examples, click button to copy example question and hit send button to ask )

To ask question from adhigaram:

Mention adhigaram by typing symbol @ and type adhigaram number or name to select the adhigaram. Then type your question.

@The Possession of Knowledge How to be wise?

To ask question from kural:

Mention kural by typing symbol # and type kural number or name to select the kural. Then type your question.

#Karka Kasatarak Karpavai Explain meaning of this kural to 8 year old kid. Use an example of analogy for easier understanding.

Using shorthand commands:

You can use following shorthand commands instead of typing question

explain - will explain the meaning of kural or adhigaram in simple english

summarize - will summarize the meaning

story - will try to explain meaning using story

livebykural - will provide practical steps you can do to live by kural

To use commands, First Mention adhigaram or kural using symbol # or @ . Then type symbol / followed by command.

@Modes of Action /explain

@Modes of Action /summarize

#Mutivum Itaiyoorum Mutriyaangu /story

#Sendra Itaththaal Selavitaa /livebykural

Tamil Language Support:

GPT is not fully trained to understand Tamil language yet, so Kuralbot has limited support for Tamil language.

You can use tamil language for typing kural name or adhigaram. But you can't use tamil language for asking question.

The answers and explanations are in english only. However, you can find the Tamil meaning of all the kurals by going to the Kurals menu > Adhigaram page. Then select on மு.வ உரை, பாப்பையா உரை or கலைஞர் உரை for tamil meaning.
